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NTNU Schooling & Child Care Facilities

Are you a delegate (male or female) whose conference travel is limited due to kids at home?

The organisation committee are introducing a unique schooling initiative for a limited number of IEEE CEC 2009 delegate's children between the ages of 3 and 16 in an attempt to approach such needs.

This is a joint initiative between:

The initiative is sponsored by NTNU and, although the event is independent of the IEEE, it is supporting the IEEE Woman in Computational Intelligence seeking to help female delegates, in particular, attend the conference.

Delegates' children will be welcomed into the international school, experiencing both more traditional teaching at the school and being part of a rich cultural week organised by the school. Extra staffing will be employed to meet the needs of the additional children. The school will provide the children with meals/snacks/drinks similar to that on offer for other children at the school. All expenses directly relating to cultural excursions will also be covered.

We wish to welcome delegates' children of any nationality. All children with an English or Scandinavian background will be easily accommodated. If your child has a different language background please contact us as we will try to provide student interpreters where needed and if possible.

The children will be able to attend the school between the hours of 7.30 and 16.30. School age children, rather than pre-school, will attend an after-school club run by the school outside the normal school hours (8.30 to 14.45). This is a small new international school in Trondheim, set beside a large park and walking distance to the conference venue. We are also looking at providing transport for the children between the venue and the school if there is shown to be a need for this. Again such costs will be covered. The school is committed to providing a stimulating learning experience.

Please note that we have no travel scholarships to support travel to Trondheim for such children but the cost of accommodation for a child sharing with their parents is minimum.

If such an initiative would be of interest to you but you won't be attending IEEE CEC in 2009 or won't be attending with your children then, please feel free to contact us. We welcome comments from the community in order to assess the potential of such an initiative.

If you are interested in your child(ren) participating in this event please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions that you might have. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. We would, therefore, ask you to register your child whilst you make your travel plans so that we might reserve them a space. To help us ensure sufficient staffing we would ask you to contact us before 15th February 2009. However, do not hesitate to contact us at a later date. If there is still space available and sufficient staffing we might still be able to accommodate your child(ren).

Any enquires may be sent to

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Schooling & Child Care Facilities

Child Care
NTNU Schooling &
Child Care
Special Session Proposals
1st September 2008
Paper Submissions
1st November 2008
14th November 2008
Tutorial Proposals
1st December 2008
Notification of Acceptance
16th January 2009
6th February 2009
Final Paper Submission
16th February 2009
27th February 2009
Conference Starts
18th May 2009